Join National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Grey Matters and the sponsors for the 2024 International Concrete Technology Forum, in Dubai. The International Concrete Technology Forum provides learning and networking opportunities on the latest advances, technical knowledge, continuing research, tools and solutions for concrete manufacturing, design and construction. NRMCA hosts technical conferences in North America and other parts of the world each year. The conference provides learning and networking opportunities on the latest advances, technical knowledge, continuing research, tools and solutions for concrete manufacturing and construction.
World renowned speakers will present the latest advances, technical knowledge, research, tools and solutions for design, testing and modeling concrete performance including:
Researchers, academics, students, engineers, architects, contractors, concrete producers, public works officials, material suppliers and concrete industry professionals are invited to attend, submit papers and give presentations.
NRMCA, based in Silver Spring, MD, represents the producers of ready mixed concrete and the companies that provide materials, equipment and support to the industry. It conducts education, training, certification, promotion, research, engineering, safety, environmental, technological, lobbying and regulatory programs (